Turbine jet powered RC car - the worlds first

Turbine powered FG Marder - the worlds first jet powered RC radio controlled car 
This video was shot in Jan/Feb 2003 and (from what I can see) was the worlds first attempt at putting a turbine in an RC car.
As you'll see, model turbines were rather primitive back then and needed air cylinders to start them.
One thing I've noticed is, they were MUCH louder than modern RC turbines and after a few minutes running, my ears were ringing for hours after.

The jet fuel was a mix of paraffin and panel wipe and I don't think I had the proper mix ratio for the ambient temperature.

With the freezing wet conditions, jet fuel on the tyres and a high geared steering mechanism, it made it totally uncontrollable.

I could have angled the jet engine for downward thrust, I could have cleaned the tyres, I could have changed the steering and I could have done a lot of things different...... it was only ever meant as an exercise on what could be done, and it was never finished.

The top and bottom of it..... it was totally useless!

This video is only for my own posterity and something to show the grand-kids when I'm old and grey, so please don't flame me.